Do you love Indoor/Outdoor Living?

Do you love Indoor/Outdoor Living? If integrating the outdoors into your indoor living space appeals to you, then check out how Thayer Hopkins Architects has achieved it in this project.

Hopkins House

Hopkins House The recently renovated house for the Head of the Cathedral School for Boys has been named the Hopkins House, in honor of the lifelong dedication Thayer Hopkins and his family have given to this educational institution. He is a lifelong Trustee, bringing years of architectural expertise to benefit the many building renovations of […]

Personalized Design Experiences: Thayer Hopkins’ Direct Client Engagement

Personalized Design Experiences: Thayer Hopkins’ Direct Client Engagement You want your house to be custom designed to your needs, not to those of the architect, interior designer or well-intentioned friend or consultant. This may seem self-evident, but you’d be surprised how often a client’s vision gets sublimated to someone else’s idea of what the design […]

The Role of Collective Wisdom: Thayer Hopkins Architects’ Collaborative Approach

The Role of Collective Wisdom: Thayer Hopkins Architects’ Collaborative Approach In the world of architecture, the term “collaboration” means a team works together to tackle design problems that ultimately serve the clients’ needs. The team may include architects, clients/owners, contractor/builder, structural engineer, interior designer, landscape architect and many other specialties. When a group of diverse […]